Immune Boosting Herbs, Teas, and DIY Syrups - emsherbals

Immune Boosting Herbs, Teas, and DIY Syrups

September 19, 2024

Immune Boosting Herbs, Teas, and DIY Syrups

Summer’s coming to a close! As the nights get longer, it’s time to look for herbs for the colds and flus that often show up around this time. This is the single most common type of acute illness affecting humans, and there are many herbs that have been traditionally used to treat colds, coughs, and flus.

When carefree summer gives way to the old “back-to-school,” “get-serious” autumn vibe, it is easy to get sucked back into routines that leave out self-care. We won’t go wrong by staying with the basics: eating natural food when we’re hungry, drinking when we’re thirsty, sleeping when we’re tired, staying connected with the people and critters we love, doing good work when we can, and avoiding things that are obviously bad for us.

When we do get sick, very often our grandmothers’ plant wisdom can help us recover. Elderberry and Elder Flower (Sambucus nigra) and Echinacea (E. purpurea and E. angustifolia) are among the most thoroughly researched plant allies for addressing colds, coughs, and flus.

Em’s Herbals Winter Defense Tea is a potent blend that you’ll want to have on hand! This all-organic tea features Echinacea Root, Elderberries, Licorice Root, Marshmallow Root, and Wild Cherry Bark. A terrific combination for both prevention and symptom relief, and it even tastes good!

There are many other plant allies that can help you stay well and aid your recovery! These include: Ashwgandha, Astragalus, Boneset, Chaparral, Coltsfoot, Eleutherococcus, Eyebright, Ginger, Hawthorn, Lemon Balm, Licorice Root, Linden Flower, Lobelia, Marshmallow Root, Meadowsweet, Mugwort, Mullein Leaf, Ocotillo Bark, Peppermint, Reishi, Rhodiola, Rosehips, Rosemary, Sage, Shatavari Root, Slippery Elm Bark, Thyme, Yarrow, and Wild Cherry Bark.

Sometimes cold symptoms can disturb the sleep that’s so necessary for recovery. Adding mild sedative / nervine herbs to your nighttime tea blend (consider Catnip, Chamomile, California Poppy, Passionflower, Skullcap, Valerian, or Wild Lettuce) can help with insomnia.

Easy-to-Make Herbal Syrups for Cold Weather Wellness

Here are two recipes for delicious herbal syrups you can add to your toolkit to boost immune function. Herbal syrups are pleasant to take, and the sugar content also helps to preserve the compounds for a longer shelf life. (For infants under age one, use sugar, agave, or maple syrup in place of honey.) When preparing syrups for adults, alcohol, such as brandy or vodka, can also be added (or used in place of sweetening) to extend shelf life even further.

Rosehip Syrup

Rosehips are the fruit of the rose plant, typically sourced from the Dog Rose (Rosa canina). High in vitamin C, Rosehips have a wonderful tang, and they're also rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, D, and K, as well as flavonoids and other nutrients. This syrup can be taken as a supplement during the cold season, as a supportive measure when symptoms are present, or year-round.


4 cups of water

1 pound of dried organic Rosehips

1 cup of honey, sugar, or maple syrup

Optional: 1/2 cup of brandy, vodka, or other spirits


Bring water to a boil. Crush the Rosehips or grind them in a food processor, and stir them into the boiling water. Bring the water back up to boiling, then turn off the heat. Allow the mixture to steep for 45 minutes. Strain the tea through a cheesecloth-lined strainer or muslin bag, and discard Rosehip residue. Wash the pot and pour the tea back into it. Bring the tea back up to boiling, then turn the heat down to medium, and simmer until the volume of the liquid is reduced by about half.

Pour the concentrated tea into a measuring cup and allow it to cool slightly. Add sweetener, stirring to dissolve it completely. If you choose to add alcohol, let the syrup cool to slightly warm, then stir in half a cup of brandy or other spirits. Decant the syrup into an airtight bottle or jar and refrigerate. The refrigerated syrup should be stable for at least six months, or longer if alcohol is added.

Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry syrup is helpful for preventing and treating winter respiratory illness. Studies on the benefits of Elderberry for these purposes are among the strongest research published in the literature of plant medicine. Tangy Elderberries contain many nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K, and minerals, flavonoids, triterpenes, sambucin, anthocyanosides, and linoleic and linolenic acids.

Wear an apron, or old clothes, when preparing Elderberry concoctions—the dark-colored liquid will stain!


4 cups of water

2 cups of dried organic Elderberries

1 cup of honey, sugar, or maple syrup

Optional: 2-3 tsp. dried Ginger Root; 1 Cinnamon stick; 2 tsp. cut and sifted Echinacea Root; 1/2 cup of brandy, vodka, or other spirits


Combine berries and water (along with one or more of the optional herbs, if you're adding them) in a pot, and bring to a boil. Turn the heat down and simmer, uncovered, for 30-40 minutes, reducing the liquid by about half. Remove from heat and let steep for an hour. Mash the berries with a spoon or other implement, then strain them out, using doubled cheesecloth or a muslin bag, and discard them into compost. Once the liquid is mostly cooled, add sweetener (and optional alcohol).

Serving suggestions for either of these delightful syrups: 1-2 tbsp for adults, 1-2 tsp for children (depending on size), 2-3 times per day, with symptoms, or after likely exposure. Either of the sweetened syrups (minus Echinacea!) can be enjoyed as you would other tasty fruit condiments—on pancakes, with yogurt, in cocktails, etc., or added to your tea blend.

Take good care, and stay well this season!

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