MEXICO. Damiana (Turnera diffusa) Leaf, Cut and Sifted, Certified Organic Common names: Old Woman's Broom, Agüita de Damiana, Yerba del Pastor, Pastorcita, Malva Blanca, Mizibcoc Family: Turneraceae Damiana has a...
PACIFIC NORTHWEST GROWN. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Leaf, Cut and Sifted, Certified Organic Common names: Priest’s Crown, Swine’s Snout, Blowball. Cankerworm, Lion’s Tooth, Puffball, White Endive Family: Asteraceae Dandelion has been...
USA. Dandelion Root (Taraxacum officinale), Certified Organic Common names: Priest’s Crown, Swine’s Snout, Blowball, Cankerworm, Lion’s Tooth, Puffball, White Endive Family: Asteraceae Dandelion has been an ally to humans for...
CHINA. Dandelion Root (Taraxacum officinale), Roasted Common names: Priest’s Crown, Swine’s Snout, Blowball, Cankerworm, Lion’s Tooth, Puffball, White Endive Family: Asteraceae Dandelion has been an ally to humans for millennia....
Sold Out $14.65
CHINA. Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) Root, Cut and Sifted, Certified Organic Common names: Female Ginseng, Chinese Angelica, Danggui, Tan Kue Bai Zhi, Tang Kuei Family: Apiaceae Dong Quai is native...
WASHINGTON STATE, USA. Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia) Root, Cut and Sifted, Certified Organic. Common names: Coneflower, Purple Coneflower, Kansas Snakeroot, Narrow-leaf Echinacea, Black Sampson, Rudbeckia Family: Asteraceae (Daisy) Echinacea angustifolia is...
PACIFIC NORTHWEST GROWN, USA. Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) Root, Cut and Sifted, Certified Organic Common names: Eastern Purple Coneflower, Hedgehog Coneflower Family: Asteraceae We are proud to offer Pacific Northwest Grown,...
USA. Elder(Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis) Berries, Whole, Freeze Dried, Premium Harvest Common names: Pie Elder, American Elder, Black Elderberry, Elder-blow, Sweet Elder Family: Adoxaceae Sambucus nigra subspecies canadensis are shrubs...
BULGARIA. Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) Fruit, Whole, Certified Organic Common names: Black Elder, Arbre de Judas, Baccae, Baises de Sureau, Black-Berried Alder, Boor Tree, Bountry, Common Elder, Ellanwood, Ellhorn, European Alder,...
HUNGARY. Elder (Sambucus nigra) Flowers, Whole, Certified Organic Common names: Black Elder, European Elder, Arbre de Judas, Baccae, Black-Berried Alder, Boor Tree, Bountry, Ellanwood, Ellhorn, Hautbois, Holunderbeeren, Sabugeuiro-negro, Sambequier, Sambuc,...
Sold Out $27.40
CHINA. Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus) Root, Cut and Sifted, Certified Organic Common names: Siberian Ginseng, Acanthopanax Obovatus, Buisson du Diable, Devil's Bush, Hedera senticosa, Plante Secrète des Russes, Poivre Sauvage, Prickly...
CHINA. Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus) Root, Teabag Cut, Certified Organic Common names: Siberian Ginseng, Acanthopanax Obovatus, Buisson du Diable, Devil's Bush, Hedera senticosa, Plante Secrète des Russes, Poivre Sauvage, Prickly Eleutherococcus,...
Sold Out $58.60
POLAND. Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) Cut and Sifted, Certified Organic Common names: Casse-lunette, Augentröst, Aufraise, Luminet Family: Scrophulariaceae Eyebright is native to cool-climate European pastures, a small annual plant that grows...
EGYPT. Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) Seed, Whole, Certified Organic Common names: Large Fennel, Sweet Fennel, Wild Fennel, Fenkel, Bitter Fennel, Garden Fennel, Hinojo, Hinojo de Castillo, Cilantrillo, Baudi Saunf, Hui Xiang...
INDIA. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) Seed, Certified Organic Common names: Abesh, Alholva, Billy-goat Clover, Bird's Foot, Boyotu, Chinagreye, Greek Hayseed, Halva, Helba, Hu Lu Pa, K’u Tou, Kelabat, Koroha, Methi, Samudra,...
USA. Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium), Cut and Sifted, Certified Organic Common names: Altamisa Mexicana, Bachelor’s Buttons, Bride’s Buttons, Chamomile Grande, Chrysanthemum atricaire, Chrysanthemum parthenium, Featherfew, Featherfoil, Federfoy, Flirtwort, Leucanthemum parthenium, Matricaria...
USA. Figwort (Scrophularia nodosa), Aerial Parts, Certified Organic Common names: Scrofula Plant, Braunwurz, Carpenter's Square, Escrofularia, Kernelwort, Knopig Helmkruid, L'Herbe Chancreuse, Reuwe Di Tchin, Rose Noble, Siraca Otu, Throatwort, Herbe...
SOMALIA. Frankincense (Boswellia sacra) Resin Common names: Ru Xiang, Dhoop, Arbre a Encens, Coccinia India, Olibanum, Nyuko, Levonah, Gajabhakshya, Lubban, YuhyangFamily: BurseraceaeBoswellia sacra is a deciduous tree, growing from 6...
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