Spotlight on Infused Oils: Comfrey Leaf & Mullein Flower - emsherbals

Spotlight on Infused Oils: Comfrey Leaf & Mullein Flower

August 10, 2022

Spotlight on Infused Oils: Comfrey Leaf & Mullein Flower

Spotlight on Infused Oils: Comfrey Leaf & Mullein Flower

Herb-infused oils are excellent for abrasions, soft tissue and joint injuries, recovery from closed wounds, rashes and other skin conditions, and therapeutic lubrication for massage treatments, either diluted or full-strength. They’re also great as carriers for blending essential oils!

Comfrey Leaves and Mullein Flowers—two remarkable healing plants, in full flower during the summer, and both widely used by herbalists for centuries—feature among the brightest stars in our line of infused oils. These oils are all handmade in small batches in our shop, and certified organic by the Washington State Department of Agriculture.

Comfrey flowers are small and purple, and its leaves are big and hairy. Comfrey’s anti-inflammatory action is helpful for osteoarthritis and back pain, bug bites, acne, eczema, psoriasis, phlebitis, bedsores, bleeding hemorrhoids, and herpes lesions.

Comfrey Leaf’s best known component is allantoin, a small hormone-like molecule that stimulates cell growth and speeds tissue repair for broken bones and wounds, sprains, ulcers, and burns. The plant is also rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins, triterpenes, chlorophyll, silicic acid, and trace minerals. Applying this versatile herb as an infused oil is so effective, and so easy!

Mullein flowers are small and yellow, opening up a few at a time on a tall stalk of buds, atop a base of soft, fuzzy leaves. The flowers are great for soothing pain, relaxing muscles, reducing swelling and inflammation, draining lymph, and fighting bacteria and fungi.  Warmed-up Mullein Flower infused oil is the classic remedy for ear issues, such as mild cases of otitis media, swimmer’s ear, or earwax buildup.

Mullein Flowers contain tannins, alkaloids, saponins, polysaccharides, and flavonoids, and topical use of the herb has proven beneficial for wound care. For instance, a 2021 double-blind study of 100 postpartum women recovering from episiotomies showed significant improvements in healing time and pain relief with a Mullein Flower preparation, compared to placebo.

These two oils deserve top billing among your cast of herbal helpers!