Seasonal Specialty: Pure Comfrey Leaf Oil! - emsherbals

Seasonal Specialty: Pure Comfrey Leaf Oil!

May 07, 2024

Seasonal Specialty: Pure Comfrey Leaf Oil!

We recently received a batch of fresh organic Comfrey leaves from a nearby farm, and bathed them in organic Sunflower and Jojoba oils to create one of our favorite seasonal products, Pure Comfrey Leaf Infused Oil. We always sell out of this one!

Comfrey has earned a special reputation with herbalists for helping to speed the healing of bruises, abrasions, fractures, injured tendons, and burns, with its content of cell-proliferating allantoin, and other substances that reduce inflammation and pain.

This remarkable oil is back in stock, and ready for your order!


*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.